Wednesday, February 27, 2008


The experience with Father Fernando got me researching about healing and energy.

Dorothy Retallack wrote a book, The Sound of Music and Plants, about experiments she did with plants and music. Here is a site about this, but in a nutshell, the plants flourished or died, depending on the music they were exposed to, and also to the length of exposure to the music. Plants apparently liked around 3 hours of music each day, and they preferred quieter music (not rock, not discordant sounds).

In another experiment, Dr. Masuru Emoto, placed labels on bottles of water. On one, he placed, "Thank you," and on the other, "You Fool." Water formed beautiful hexagonal crystals where the label Thank you was placed, and You Fool had fragments of crystals.

As far as laying on of hands is concerned, here is an interesting article about an experiment done on mice - click here . Basically the experiment was on mice with transplanted breast cancer. It's a fascinating paper about healing via laying on of hands. The experiment proved that laying on of hands was successful as a treatment; and that belief in the success of laying on of hands was not necessary to obtain positive results.

There are more articles about this topic of good energy and healing, but what I get out of this is that positive thinking is important. One healer said that if you dislike someone for instance, and you say, "I hate so-and-so," forming and releasing the words leaves negative energy around you. This healer suggests saying, "God, I hate so-and-so." In this way, the energy does not hover around you, but is lifted up to God, who after all understands the range of our human emotions.

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