Tuesday, April 8, 2008


One of the Maryknollers who went to Arrowhead, Meldee Perez, talked about her skincare products. She uses Obaji - 6 steps. This product is recommended by a topnotch dermatologist in the Philippines. Indeed Meldee's skin looks great.

So I developed a guilty conscience about my neglect of my skin. Let me mention here that in fact, I'd seen a dermatologist and have used all sorts of products including: Azalex, Retin-A, Hydroquinine. I've used products by Clinique, L'Oreal, Dermalogica, Almay, Revlon, and God-knows-what else.

I've learned some things about my skin: It hates Retin-A and any Retin derivative. It also hates Hydroquinone. The blemishes that the stuff is trying to fade become more fierce. I've learned to read the ingredients of all skin products, fearing retinyl, retin-anything, as well as Hydroquinone.

Inspired by Meldee, I decided to resume the Clinique 3-step, because it's pretty basic and simple. I have three huge containers: the cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. I've also ordered Obaji Sunblock - it sounds like good stuff. And I ordered Dermalogica Microdermabrasion for exfoliating. I shied away from Meldee's Obaji products because it uses Hydroquinone.

I get the feeling that these companies tell people to use their products everyday, but that one should pay attention to their own individual needs.

I know Clinique's toner seems pretty strong for twice a day use. Even though Dermatologica recommends using Microdermabrasion daily, I think I'll use it once a week, for starters.

We'll see how this skin program works. I do know that a good sunblock is worth the money because the inexpensive ones don't really cover your skin, and the sun is what harms the skin most. (Oh, yes, all this stuff's pretty expensive!)

I've seen people who abused their skin, and their skin looked it. I've seen people who have taken care of their and their skin looked good. I'll try to be kind to my skin.

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