Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Today, I'm posting a picture of our tuxedo cat, Kiki, whom I found sleeping on a handtowel that happened to be on the bed.

Isn't it charming how cats will find that bit of clothing on the bed, and sleep on it?

This is Ms. Kiki's routine: up at around 7, hang around near her Staff, jumping on their chests and bugging them for her breakfast. Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. She gets her Immugen and her Glucosamine with her canned food. There is dry food at all times; she will eat this only when desperate.

She suns herself in the morning. In the afternoon, she's back inside the house, sleeping in the guest room or in the den. Sometimes she hangs in my office and wants to be picked up to have her ears scratched. She LOVES having her ears scratched! Early evening she visits the den where her Staff are watching T.V. She will jump on laptops, newspapers, make an absolute pest of herself, to get her ears rubbed. She usually falls asleep, and stays asleep even when her Staff have gone up to retire. Sometimes her Staff will carry her upstairs; if not, she will - sometime during the night - join her Staff upstairs. She's old now and has difficulty jumping, so she claws her way up the bed. And then she wants her ears rubbed.

She HATES it when her Staff is holding her and reading the newspaper at the same time. She hates children - I am embarrassed to write this, but it's true; she will disappear when children are around. In general she hates people and is very selective of the people she will allow to see her. She does not even like my housekeeper who's been cleaning our house for over 20 years. You must never, never touch the lower part of her body - that is her butt end - she will bite!

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