Thursday, November 6, 2008


I know I should get on with my life, but I can't help smiling at how the McCain aides are now smearing Sarah Palin. First, I am fully aware that some Republicans are meeting to discuss the future of the GOP; this is why the McCain aides, who are pissed at Palin, have flooded the news with negative press about Sarah. They say:

1. She lacks knowledgeability - Not only does she think Russia is directly behind her house, she thought Africa was a separate country, not a continent; she didn't know that Canada, the US, and Mexico were in the North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA); and we know the old-stuff that had been revealed in the Couric and Gibson interviews;

2. She is a Wasilla hillbilly looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast - a reference to the over $150,000 that Palin spent on clothes, luggage, and jewelry, courtesy of the Republican Campaign (apparently spending around $30K for the First Dude). A Republican Party lawyer will reportedly be dispatched to Alaska to inventory and retrieve items still in her possession;

3. She is a diva and an electoral liability - she apparently had tantrums over negative press reports about her; she was upset over the disastrous Couric interview but she never prepared for it;

4. She went rogue - she criticized the McCain campaign publicly, and she didn't inform the McCain campaign when the person whom she thought was French President Sarkozy arranged to talk to her by phone. (It was a prank call.)

5. She wanted to give a concession speech before McCain, and two McCain aides had to tell her this was not appropriate.

I believe there are more complaints circulating, including a story that she sailed into a room with 2 male McCain aides wearing nothing but a towel.

I have to ask myself why I find all of this amusing. I suppose it's because I already had a sense of what kind of person she is, and I think I've already written something that likened her to Imelda Marcos.

I've had to ask myself why it is that some people engender good feelings, like Barack obama for instance; you connect with their humanity and find yourself rooting for them, wishing the best for them. And then there's someone like Palin who must reflect some dark, icky side of myself because I can't stand her and I cannot say that I wish her the best. I look at her and see a greedy, opportunistic person who uses her sexuality to get what she wants. And it annoys me that she does get what she wants. I realize that this is my problem. I do not know her personally, and obviously have been projecting some dark side on her.

Well, I should really wish that poor woman the best as she struggles on in the political world, handicapped if you will, with a lack of education and intelligence.
There's even a part of me that wishes the Republicans will make her their presidential candidate in 2012 because she's a woman that many people like to hate.

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