Monday, December 15, 2008


I'm down with something, and it's not nice. It's either the flu or a cold. It started last Thursday night. I could feel a tickle in my throat,which I tried to ignore. That night I felt muscle pain and the tickle had developed into a cough. The next day the muscle pain especially in the joints worsened, and I felt weak and tired. The second day I felt the same - same muscle pain and tiredness, and let's not forget the runny nose, coughing, sneezing. Third day, it actually worsened. I had the worst head cold and my one ear became clogged.

I'm still not sure if I have the flu or a cold. I had a flu shot, so maybe this toned down the flu.

I hope I get well soon because I have a lot of preparation for Christmas. So let's see, this is day 4.

Ho-ho-ho, to all. Stay healthy. Health indeed is wealth.

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