Monday, October 28, 2013

Cecilia's SMOOTHIE RECIPE for Good Health

 I make a smoothie most mornings, and I've shared this recipe with many people. 


FRUIT:   Bananas, Apples, Frozen or fresh strawberries and assorted berries (raspberries, blueberries)
NUTS: almonds, flax seeds, walnut pieces
Brewers Yeast
Apple Cider
Almond milk or Soy milk or Fat Free Milk
Yogurt (low fat or fat free, plain, unsweetened)


How to do: I'm making for 2 people, so you have to adjust. I also don't measure but just throw stuff in, so you have to just learn the proportions yourself. 

I throw in 1-2 bananas, 1 apple, a small handful of the frozen berries.  I throw in nuts: maybe around 10 full almonds, a tablespoon of flax seeds, and a tablespoon of walnut pieces; I put in maybe 1/2 cup yogurt; and I pour in 3/4 cup milk, and then I add maybe I tablespoon of Brewer's Yeast (debittered powdered kind), and tablespoon of Molasses.  I put in a tablespoon of Apple Cider. Blend.  This makes a lot - 2 full glasses, so somehow you will have to half the proportions, or drink half of what you make in the a.m. and half in the p.m.  You can save for the next day.

If the smoothie is thick, thin it out with orange juice or plain water.

You can add some broccoli, and even carrots and you can't even taste the difference.

I also add a few drops of liquid Vitamin D. 

It's very tasty and really good for you. The bananas provide potassium, the molasses has magnesium, both of which are good for the heart. Enjoy!

Read also:
Cooking with Cecilia Brainard - Quiche
Cooking with Cecilia Brainard - Linguine with Clams
Cooking Lengua Estofada
Food Essay - Fried Chicken Caribbean-style
How I Learned to Make Leche Flan (or How I Met my Husband)
Cooking with Cecilia - Leche Flan (Vietnamese Style) 
Recipe of Balbacua Cebuana from Louie Nacorda 
Easy Filipino Recipes from Maryknollers 
Cooking with Cecilia - Chicken Soup for my Bad Cold  
Cooking with Cecilia - Beef Bourguignon 

tags: food, recipe, cooking, smoothie, drink, healthy, health

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