Thursday, August 13, 2015

Followup on Our Raccoon Visitor

This is a followup up to an earlier blog entry about a raccoon in our premises. To summarize, we've had nocturnal visits from a destructive raccoon.

I called an outfit called Wildlife Control Services and talked to the woman there. I wanted to order Raccoon Eviction Fluid, which is the scent of a male raccoon, and which supposedly drives away pregnant or nursing female raccoons. Apparently male raccoons eat babies that are not theirs, which is why the females flee.

The woman said it was too late in the year for females to have babies --- hurrah! hurrah!  This had been the worst-case scenario running through my mind, having our attic filled with baby raccoons!

She suggested Coyote Urine, which drives away animals (including raccoons) because the Coyote is a predator.

To play it safe I bought both the Raccoon Eviction Fluid AND the Coyote Urine.

I also leave the porch light on because raccoons reportedly don't like bright light. Nor do they like loud sounds, so just in case some one is getting cushy in the attic, I have a radio blasting away in there during the daytime. I'm going to look into adding more sensor lights outside the house as well.

At this point, we don't think there's a raccoon in the attic, but I want to play it safe.

I don't want it in the attic, I don't want it hanging around my tiled roof and destroying it. I don't even want it dead. I want it to leave.

Read also
Raccoon Eviction Notice
My Battle with the Raccoons
House and Garden the San Miguel Allende Way
Bees and My Pride of Madeira Bush
Sphagnum Moss Almost Killed My Orchids

Tags: raccoon, #raccoon, wildlife, animals, wild animals, #wildlifre

This is all for now,

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