Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Looking Forward to the 2024 Frankfurt Book Fair this October!


I'm not sure why the other Philippine delegates to the 2024 Frankfurt Book Fair are keeping quiet, but I, for one, am excited to be a member of the Philippine Delegation that will be going to Frankfurt this October. It is an honor and privilege to represent the Philippines in this international stage -- an honor to showcase my books and the books by PALH (Philippine American Literary House) 
I am a delegate as an author but I have been asked to display books published by PALH (Philippine American Literary House). Activities at the Frankfurter Buchmesse focuses on rights selling, not book selling. This will be a new and exciting activity for me.
I am sharing the link to the catalogue of books that I'll be showcasing at the Frankfurt Book Fair. If anyone is interested in translating the books (foreign as well as Filipino or Bisaya), let me know - palhbooksatgmaildotcom.


The image with the QR Code to get to PALH's catalogue that will be showcased at the 2024 Frankfurt Book Fair. Contact me at for more information.


Books that I will be talking about in Frankfurt include:
By Linda Ty-Casper
A River, One-Woman Deep: Stories
Will You Happen, Past the Silence, Through the Dark: Remembering Leonard Ralph Casper
By Veronica Montes
Benedicta Takes Wing and Other Stories
by Eve La Salle Caram and Cecilia Brainard
Please, San Antonio! & Melisande in Paris, two novellas
by Cecilia Manguerra Brainard
The Newspaper Widow
Selected Short Stories by Cecilia Manguerra Brainard
When the Rainbow Goddess Wept
Anthologies edited by Cecilia Brainard:
Asian and Philippine Folktales
Contemporary Fiction by Filipinos in America
Fiction by Filipinos in America
Growing Up Filipino 1, 2, and 3

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