Saturday, April 19, 2014

My Two Paelleras and Paella Recipe - Cooking with Cecilia

 I'm sharing with you pictures of my two paelleras and favorite paella recipe.

I got the stainless steel paellera from Madrid, Spain, decades ago.  It was somewhat expensive but I really wanted it. It was a wise buy because I've used it a lot.

The copper one came from Chile. A group of us were in a car when we saw a man selling copper pots and pans by the side of the road. We stopped and I bought this one. It has a lid, but the lid has irregular patina, so it hasn't been included in my blog.  I could polish the copper with lemon juice to shine it up, but I actually love the dull copper patina, so I'll leave it alone.

This is all for today, dear Readers, because as you can see, I have a lot to do to prepare for Easter Sunday.  May you have a blessed and wonderful Easter!

This is a great recipe for a crowd. Salad and lengua or roast beef goes well with paella. Top it off with leche flan for dessert.

1/2 lb sausage
olive oil
1 chicken, cut up
1 1/2 lbs pork, cubed 
1 large red pepper, in strips
1 yellow onion, diced
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 tomatoes, medium, diced
1/3 tsp saffron
1 1/2 cup long grain rice
1 1/2 cup shrimps
1 10-oz frozen peas
12 mussels of clams
salt to taste
4/6 cups chicken broth

Heat olive oil. Saute onions, garlic, and tomatoes. Add pork and chicken and cook, stirring constantly, around 15 minutes. Add sausage, salt, pepper. Add rice, stirring until coated with oil. Mix with other ingredients. Add saffron to chicken broth. Slowly pour broth into the pan until the contents are covered. Arrange mussels, clams, shrimps, pepper on top. Simmer to cook rice. Add water if needed. When rice is almost cooked, sprinkle peas on top.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this recipe, Ma'am Brainard! I love eating paella but I don't know how to prepare this. Good thing there are Spanish restos (very few though) here in Cebu City. Reading this blog, I think I can make my own paella now.
    Happy Easter, Ma'am Brainard! ^^
