Friday, April 18, 2014

Syria War - #Save Homs & #Save Aleppo - In Solidarity with the Syrian People

In Solidarity with the Syrian People

"The United Nations envoy to Syria on Thursday said the besieged central city of Homs has become a 'theater of death and destruction,' and he urged both sides of the country's civil war to return to negotiations... The central city has seen some of the worst fighting in the three-year-old conflict..." from Syria's warring sides must save Homs, UN envoy urges 

"The Syrian Opposition Coalition, the main western-backed rebel group, issued an urgent appeal. 'The regime has reduced what was the soul of the revolution to rubble and ruin. The international community must watch to ensure the regime does not massacre the remaining brave people left in the Old City," said Monzer Akbik, spokesman for the SOC president, Ahmed al-Jarba." from Syrian rebels warn of potential Homs massacre as regime troops advance

"For more than three months, Aleppo's opposition-held neighborhoods and surrounding suburbs have been terrorized nearly daily by the barrel bombs. Activists estimate that more than 2,000 people have been killed in these attacks..." from In Syria, a shrinking city struggles on between terrifying air raids

"The ongoing Syrian conflict has wreaked havoc on the lives of the Syrian public as well as on the historical topography of one of the worlds' oldest civilisations..." from Crimes against history: UNESCO World Heritage sites in Syria damaged by Civil War

"The Syrian government has been accused of new attacks on civilians with improvised chlorine gas bombs, in the latest reports of chemical weapons use in the Syrian War." from Syrian Regime accused of chlorine gas attacks

Read also
Muslims Condemn ISIS
Jesuit Father Frans van der Lugt Murdered in Homs
Syrian Revolutionary Poem & Destruction of Khalid bin Walid Mosque

tags: Syria, Syrian, war, revolution, Assad, Homs, Aleppo, Damascus, UNESCO World heritage sites, Save

This is all for now,

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