Thursday, September 15, 2022

Seven Stories from Seven Sisters: A Collection of Philippine Folktales - now in Ebook format

While sorting out the papers of the writers' group PAWWA (Philippine American Women Writers and Artists), I was looking at PAWWA's children's book projects and thought it was a shame that these charming books are now out-of-print. I decided to make ebook editions of the two books (PAWWA had entrusted the care of these books to me.)

The first one, now released and given new life is: SEVEN STORIES FROM SEVEN SISTERS: A COLLECTION OF PHILIPPINE FOLKTALES.

This book collects retellings of folk tales, legends, epic retellings, by the seven founding members of PAWWA -more info in this Wiki link ( .

There are seven beloved stories in the book that include: Seven Thousand Emeralds, The Legend of Mt. Makiling, A Secret in Makiling, The Mermaid and Kanag, The Legend of Siete Pecados, The Haunted Dakit Tree, and Bolak Sonday: The Woman Warrior. These retellings can be enjoyed by children and grownups alike. Folk tales from the Philippines and around the world are great educational tools.


"I hope that every school system in the United States will have a collection of folktales like SEVEN STORIES FROM SEVEN SISTERS to enrich their multicultural programs, reflecting the rich tapestry of our society," said Warren Furutani, then President of the Los Angeles Board of Education.



 tags: Philippine folktales, Filipino folktales, Filipino folklore, Filipino legends, Philippine myths, Filipino children's book

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