Monday, September 2, 2024

Carlos Inigo Roxas' Review of Brainard's Fundamentals of Creative Writing, Revised and Expanded Edition



By Carlos Inigo T. Roxas 

Published in the Inquirer Lifestyle, Aug. 31, 2024 (reprinted with permission from the author)

I recently read the book “Fundamentals of Creative Writing (Revised and Expanded Edition)” by Cecilia Manguerra Brainard, celebrated author and editor of over a dozen books.

Brainard, who hails from a prominent family in Cebu, has received awards, grants and fellowships including a 40th National Book Award for Best Book Short Fiction English. She runs Philippine American Literary House (PALH) and has taught the Writers Program at UCLA-Extension, University of California Los Angeles, University of Southern California and California State Summer School for the Arts. She gives talks, lectures and literary readings at various universities and arts/literary centers. And so, it shouldn’t be a surprise that she’d create a textbook for writers.

In the preface of her book, Brainard narrated her own journey in writing and how she got to where she is today. She shared the fundamentals of creative writing, which she simplified to guide her students.

“I witnessed my students blossom in six or nine weeks. The best students were the ones who admitted they knew very little ... My students would learn a concept or two each week. They would try their hand at dialogue or creating a character, for instance, and next week they would learn some new concepts ... By the end of the quarter, many of them were writing stories or personal essays,” she said.

Gift from My Crow Friends



by Cecilia Manguerra Brainard 

A crow left me a gift. It's a bit of rusty metal, part of a garden rake. 

I know it's a gift because this doesn't belong near the terracotta plate where the crows feed.

This is the second gift I'm keeping. I've received other gifts from them; a crushed Styrofoam cup with a dead cockroach in it, some chicken bones, and feathers. I didn't save those. They were too gross even though I recognized that they were precious to the crows.

But I saved a blue ball and I'll put this metal in with the ball.

These gifts touch me. A crow recognized that I've been feeding them and giving them clean water, and the crow went out of his or her way to carry this object to where I'd find it. The blue ball and Styrofoam cup were left near the kitchen door. This metal was near their food dish.

Years ago, we didn't have crows in our neighborhood. We had song birds, smaller-sized birds. I'm not sure when crows came around but they seemed to suddenly be on the sidewalks, on top of trees. A bird flu epidemic killed a number of them because they disappeared for a while.

But they came back, and have thrived. 


I bonded with the crows after a crow gifted me with the blue ball. I became more diligent in giving them food and fresh water. 

I think there are many other neighbors giving them food and water because their population has grown.

Recently, we've had a hawk and his/her mate preying on the birds and small animals in the area, and while the crows are still around, they are more low key. They don't gather in large groups. They don't "party" as they used in my front lawn. They live in a community environment and are so organized in taking care of their young, in communicating with one another, in having "watch-crows" to sound the alarm when there is food or danger. 

I  really do like them. 

#corvids #crowgifts #crows 

Cecilia Manguerra Brainard is the author and editor of over 20 books. Her official website is .

Sunday, September 1, 2024 for the 2024 Frankfurt Book Fair Philippine Pavilion


I'm getting the books going to the 2024 Frankfurt Book Fair ready - (Philippine American Literary House) and books #frankfurterbuchmesse #CeciliaBrainard #Lindatycasper #FilipinoYAbooks

Tags: Philippine books, Filipino books, Filipino American literature, FilAm books, Philippine American books, YA Filipino books, Young Adult books, 

Friday, August 30, 2024

Carlos Inigo Roxas's Review of Brainard's Fundamentals of Creative Writing, Revised and Expanded Edition

Many thanks to Manila writer Carlos Inigo Roxas who wrote this lengthy article for the Inquirer Lifestyle about the release of my FUNDAMENTALS OF CREATIVE WRITING, REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION.

"In the book, I saw a delicate balance between show and tell. The examples show Brainard's mastery of the craft and shines a light for aspiring writers.

As a young novice writer myself, I find this work of Brainard, along with her novels and short stories, to be appealing. With "Fundamentals of Creative Writing (Revised and Expanded Edition)," one can learn and enjoy the process of learning." ~Carlos Inigo T. Roxas, Inquirer Lifestyle, Manila, 9/1/24

The book is available from



Tags: how to write creative writing,  fundamentals of writing, basics of creative writing, essentials of creative writing, beginning creative writing, fundamentals of fiction writing, fundamentals of creative non-fiction, creative writing basics. creative writing essentials


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Looking Forward to the 2024 Frankfurt Book Fair this October!


I'm not sure why the other Philippine delegates to the 2024 Frankfurt Book Fair are keeping quiet, but I, for one, am excited to be a member of the Philippine Delegation that will be going to Frankfurt this October. It is an honor and privilege to represent the Philippines in this international stage -- an honor to showcase my books and the books by PALH (Philippine American Literary House) 
I am a delegate as an author but I have been asked to display books published by PALH (Philippine American Literary House). Activities at the Frankfurter Buchmesse focuses on rights selling, not book selling. This will be a new and exciting activity for me.
I am sharing the link to the catalogue of books that I'll be showcasing at the Frankfurt Book Fair. If anyone is interested in translating the books (foreign as well as Filipino or Bisaya), let me know - palhbooksatgmaildotcom.


The image with the QR Code to get to PALH's catalogue that will be showcased at the 2024 Frankfurt Book Fair. Contact me at for more information.


Books that I will be talking about in Frankfurt include:
By Linda Ty-Casper
A River, One-Woman Deep: Stories
Will You Happen, Past the Silence, Through the Dark: Remembering Leonard Ralph Casper
By Veronica Montes
Benedicta Takes Wing and Other Stories
by Eve La Salle Caram and Cecilia Brainard
Please, San Antonio! & Melisande in Paris, two novellas
by Cecilia Manguerra Brainard
The Newspaper Widow
Selected Short Stories by Cecilia Manguerra Brainard
When the Rainbow Goddess Wept
Anthologies edited by Cecilia Brainard:
Asian and Philippine Folktales
Contemporary Fiction by Filipinos in America
Fiction by Filipinos in America
Growing Up Filipino 1, 2, and 3

Monday, August 19, 2024

2024 NEWS Updates of PALH (Philippine American Literary House)

2024 NEWS Updates of PALH (Philippine American Literary House)

PALH is proud to announce that some of its titles will be showcased at the 2024 Frankfurt Book Fair including:

A River, One-Woman Deep: Stories by Linda Ty-Casper (also published by UST Ph)
Will You Happen, Past the Silence, Through the Dark: Remembering Leonard Ralph Casper by Linda Ty-Casper (also published by the Ateneo de Manila)
Benedicta Takes Wing and Other Stories by Veronica Montes (also published by UST Ph)
Magdalena by Cecilia Manguerra Brainard (also published by UST Ph)
The Newspaper Widow by Cecilia Manguerra Brainard (also published by UST Ph)
Selected Short Stories by Cecilia Manguerra Brainard (also published by UST Ph) 
When the Rainbow Goddess Wept by Cecilia Manguerra Brainard will also be at 2024 Frankfurt (published by UST Ph and University of Michigan Press) 

Anthologies edited by Cecilia Brainard:
Asian and Philippine Folktales
Contemporary Fiction by Filipinos in America
Fiction by Filipinos in America
Growing Up Filipino 1,2, and 3


Cecilia Manguerra Brainard, who will be a Philippine delegate at the the Frankfurt Book Fair will will be on hand to discuss the books she authored and edited; and she will also discuss titles published by PALH. 
For the PALH catalogue- scan QR code above.

Further, PALH announces the forthcoming publications:

Fundamentals of Creative Writing, Revised and Expanded Edition by Cecilia Manguerra Brainard. An earlier version was published by Anvil in 2009 but is now out of print. The author has revised and expanded the book which is used by many teachers of creative writing. 

Magnificat: Mama Mary's Pilgrim Sites, collected and edited by Cecilia Brainard - this religious book includes personal testimonies of individuals and the book has an Imprimatur by Archbishop of Manila Luis Tagle. The earlier 2012 by Anvil is out of print. 

PALH is also proud to announce that Linda Ty-Casper's Will You Happen, Past the Silence, Through the Dark: Remembering Leonard Ralph Casper (PALH 2022) has a Philippine edition by the Ateneo de Manila Press (2023). Linda Ty-Casper's novel, Three-Cornered Sun was reissued in 2024 by Exploding Galaxies in Manila. 

Veronica Montes' Benedicta Takes Wing and Other Stories, published by PALH in 2017 has a Philippine edition by the University of Santo Tomas Publishing House (2024). 

Please visit (News Updates) for more information.

Tags: Philippine books, Filipino books, FilAm books, Asian American books

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Press Release - Fundamentals of Creative Writing, Revised and Expanded Edition

PALH, 2024, softcover, 188 pages ISBN 9781953716415 (available after September 1, 2024)

Ebook ISBN 9781953716422 - Kindle, Barnes&Noble, Rakuten Kobo, Apple Books, Scribd, Tolino, OverDrive, Bibliotheca, Baker&Taylor, Vivlio, Borrow Box, and more


PRESS RELEASE - September 1, 2024


PALH (Philippine American Literary House) announces the release of Fundamentals of Creative Writing, Revised and Expanded Edition by Cecilia Manguerra Brainard.

Fundamentals of Creative Writing, Revised and Expanded Edition is a practical how-to-write book that can be used as a text book or it can be read by those interested in learning how to write. The author Cecilia Manguerra Brainard, an award-winning fiction writer, who taught for over 25 years at UCLA Extension’s Writers Program and other universities, shares all the tools needed to write fiction and creative non-fiction. She breaks down the basic elements of creative writing such as setting, scene, character, conflict, dialogue, plot, and so on into sections. Each section starts with a concept, followed by related exercises, and a story or two to illustrate the creative writing component just discussed.

This book includes the author’s advice to beginning writers, and a lengthy interview of the author, in which the author discusses her background, what got her started in writing, the struggles she faced, her development as a writer. She also discusses the genesis of some of her stories including her three novels.

The author’s no-nonsense approach makes this book useful to many instructors of Creative Writing who will appreciate the straightforward guidance, writing activities, and complementary stories in the book. This book, Fundamentals of Creative Writing, Revised and Expanded Edition offers more information to demystify and explain the writing process thus enhancing the learning experience of the beginning writer.

An earlier edition of this book was published in 2009 by Anvil in the Philippines, now out of print. The book was used by many teachers in their classrooms. During the time of Covid, and to help teachers and students, the author made the first edition Fundamentals of Creative Writing available online for free. Thousands availed of this pandemic free offer.

The author, Cecilia Manguerra Brainard, is the author and editor of over twenty books, the recent ones being: her Selected Short Stories, which won the 40th National Book Award, Growing Up Filipino 3, which was nominated for the 41st National Book Award.

The publisher PALH has published writings by noted fictionist Linda Ty-Casper, Veronica Montes, and several anthologies of Filipino, Filipino-American, and Asian American topics.

PALH books can be found in Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and PALH’s ebooks can be found in Kindle, Apple Books, Kobo, OverDrive, Tolino, Baker & Taylor, among many servers.

For more information, please contact or


PRAISE for Fundamentals of Creative Writing, Revised and Expanded Edition

Cecilia Manguerra Brainard has written a wonderful resource for students of creative writing.  This book, Fundamentals of Creative Writing, Revised and Expanded Edition, provides students with practical steps that truly work. The strategies presented in this book are a product of the authors over twenty years of teaching creative writing. She is also a prolific writer who has written numerous short stories, novels, and non-fiction books.

Edmundo Edward F. Litton, Ed.D.

Distinguished Professor of Education

Loyola Marymount University


This book, Fundamentals of Creative Writing, Revised and Expanded Edition, describes the “essentials” of creative writing, not only from a technical perspective, but also by unveiling how creative writing leads us to imaginatively engage and act upon the world. Brainard’s structure reminds us that, above and beyond technique, the most important thing a writer needs is a genuine love of story and a respect for the power of words.”

Rocío G. Davis

Professor of American Literature, University of Navarra, Spain


Cecilia Manguerra Brainard's Fundamentals of Creative Writing, Revised and Expanded Edition, is a marvelous textbook that combines useful technical advice on craft with beautiful practical examples in her own stories. Brainard's treatments of writerly voice and left brain/right brain theory as it connects to writing are among the best available in today's writing textbooks. Her story examples cover a variety of story types, techniques, points of view, and historical as well as contemporary topics and themes. This book will indeed help writing students write strong stories and improve their craft. Brava, Ms. Brainard.

Vince Gotera

Professor of English, University of Northern Iowa

Former Editor of the North American Review


Tags: how to write creative writing,  fundamentals of writing, basics of creative writing, essentials of creative writing, beginning creative writing, fundamentals of fiction writing, fundamentals of creative non-fiction, creative writing basics. creative writing essentials


Thursday, August 1, 2024

Photographs of Old Cebu Philippines

I found these in my old Cebu photos in my files. I've forgotten where I got these from and what I needed them for. I think probably when I was doing research for my third novel, THE NEWSPAPER WIDOW, which is set in my mythical Ubec in 1908. 



#oldcebu #cebuphotographs #oldcebupictures

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Cecilia Brainard Books Highlighted for Frankfurt Book Fair - Short List

Short List Cecilia Brainard Books Highlighted 


Fiction Writer-Editor-Publisher;


Cecilia Manguerra Brainard is the author and editor of over a dozen books. Cecilia’s writings can also be found in Positively Filipino, CNN, Town and Country, and more. Her work has been widely anthologized and has been translated into Turkish and Finnish.

Cecilia also runs a small press, PALH (Philippine American Literary House) which publishes select fine Filipino and FilAm books, such as Growing Up Filipino, Fiction by Filipinos in America, and more.

For her books and literary work, she has been awarded a 40th National Book Award, an Outstanding Individual Award from Cebu, a California Arts Council Fellowship, a Brody Arts Fund Fellowship, several travel grants from the US Embassy, an Amazing Alumni Achiever’s Award from Maryknoll College, a Special recognition Award from the Los Angeles (California) Board of Education, and more.

She has taught at the Writers Program at UCLA Extension, the University of Southern California, and UCLA. She gives talks, lectures, and literary readings at universities and arts/literary centers such as the UP Cebu, Cebuano Studies Center, University of Santo Tomas, Los Angeles Library, PEN, Paris Litup, and many more.

The Cebuano Studies Center and the National Commission for Arts and Culture produced a documentary video entitled: The Cebuana in the World: Cecilia Manguerra Brainard Writing Out of Cebu.

She has served as the Executive Board member of PEN USA West, and she represented PEN in international meetings in Barcelona and Santiago de Compostela. She also served as an officer in literary arts groups such as the Midnight Special Cultural Center, Pacific Asian American Women Writers West, Philippine American Women Writers and Arts, and the Arts & Letters at the Cal State University in LA.



Winner 40th National Book Award and Cirilo Bautista Prize for the Novel

Finalist Gintong Aklat Award

Cecilia Manguerra Brainard’s short stories cover not just the history of the Philippines – Spanish and American colonial rule, the bloody Marcos era, the high price of fighting for political and economic freedom – but also the deeply moving hesitations and complexities of the human heart: the loves and longings and losses that shape and haunt a life, the sensuality and desires that rip apart the fabric of social life, the intricacies of girlhood and female friendship, the confrontation of cultures, the loneliness and courage of Filipino-Americans and others who have left their homelands and the idea of home. Beautifully written, masterfully crafted, these stories are at once heart-breaking, entertaining, and profoundly humane — very difficult to put down, impossible to forget. ~ Reine Arcache Melvin, NovelistAuthor: Cecilia Manguerra Brainard

 Author: Cecilia Manguerrra Brainard

ISBN: 978-971-506-8710 (University of Santo Tomas Publishing House)

ISBN: 978-1-954716-01-9 (PALH)
All rights available except Philippine print rights from the author



Finalist for the 37th National Book Award

Shortlisted for the Inaugural Cirilo F. Bautista Prize for the Novel

This is a literary mystery set in the Philippines in 1909, shortly after the Spaniards lost to the Americans and the Americans occupied the Philippines. The widow Ines and the French seamstress Melisande solve the crime of the dead priest in the creek to free the son of Ines from jail.

“What follows is part detective story and part historical fiction, set in the Philippines seven years after the conclusion of the Philippine-American War (1899–1902) that cemented U.S. occupation of the islands. The mystery elements are competently plotted, and the characters appealing, and there’s a charming long-distance romance, with a hint of another yet to come. The book’s signal virtue, though, is its bighearted look at Filipino culture and society in 1909. ~ David Keymer, Library Journal

Author: Cecilia Manguerrra Nrainard

ISBN: 978-971-506-811-6 (University of Santo Tomas Publishing House)

ISBN: 078-1-053716-14-9 (PALH)

All rights available except Philippine print rights from the author




Rarely have I read such exquisite command of storytelling as I see in the pages of this novel. Here she uses the backdrop of a Japanese-occupied Philippines to maximum effect, devastating the reader’s emotions without giving any quarter nor taking any prisoners. You die inside and come to life again when the feelings of hope hit you—and they will. ~ Alma Anonas-Carpio, Philippine Graphic

Expertly written by Cecilia Manguerra Brainard … Magdalena is set in the chaotic backdrop of twentieth century East Asia. A romantic, powerful tale of three generations of Filipino women, written with a close eye on the terrors of war and the Japanese invasion of the Philippines during World War II, Magdalena is an intense, involving, highly recommended saga that documents author Cecilia Manguerra Brainard as a gifted author with a mastery of storytelling that will keep the reader’s total attention and engagement from first page to last! ~ Midwest Review

 Author: Cecilia Manguerra Brainard

ISBN: 978-971-506-801-7 (University of Santo Tomas Publishing House)

ISBN: 978-1-953716-11-8 (PALH)

All rights available except Philippine print rights from the author




Cecilia Brainard’s debut novel is the tearful, seldom-told story of the Japanese invasion of the Philippines during World War II as seen through the eyes of a young Filipino girl. The many hardships that 9‑year-old Yvonne Macaraig and her family are faced with teach her the value of hope and endurance…

Brainard’s wonderful novel shows how war brings out the best and the worst in people as it describes both the atrocities and the heroics that befall her characters. The novel’s theme, the vast cost of war on the human spirit is illustrated well by Yvonne’s tragic loss of innocence. In the words of her grandfather, Lolo Peping: “Before man sinned, he was innocent. Man’s original sin wasn’t eating the forbidden fruit; it was Cain’s murder of his brother. ~ Associated Press

 Author: Cecilia Manguerra Brainard

ISBN: 978-0-472-08637-5 9 (University of Michigan Press – Ann Arbor)

ISBN: 978-971-506-842-0 (University of Santo Tomas Publishing House)

Turkish translation- out of print

Digital, electronic, hardcover print rights are available from author

Philippine print rights assigned to USTph

Subsidiary Rights including translations rights are split between University of Michigan Press and Author. Contact or

#2024FrankfurtBookFair  #Frankfurt Burkmessse

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Typhoon Gaeimi Floods Manla - News and Story

Photo courtesy of Emmie Abadilla, FB

 July 25, 2024: Because of Typhoon Gaeimi (or Carina in the Philippines), Manila is flooded. It is one of the worst floods, with several major roads chest-high with floodwaters. 

I am reading about the flooding there when I remembered this short story "Flooded" by Rogelio Cruz, which is part of the anthology GROWING UP FILIPINO: STORIES FOR YOUNG ADULTS (Ed. Cecilia Brainard). This is a more light-hearted look at Manila's flood. 


Rogelio Cruz

Manila was strange. It yielded not the usual parallel city streets and consecutively-numbered blocks, but triangles, circles, and other haphazard spaces that brushed at the ends of one’s nerves pleasantly. Fritz suspected that the original plan, a century ago, was affluence: sparse black-and-gray vehicles trudging narrow roads on a damp and drowsy Sunday morning, open-air orchestras, an aviary, the Sky Room. The skeleton of it was still there; but its once white and pastel flesh was now bloated with the sweet-rotten color and smell of poverty, of phlegm and urine in the open gutters. The dainty roads now proved to be traffic hell; the corner statues and whores were curses to each other — because of one, the other had too little space. Worst of all, when the rain struck it blind and flushed all the filth the cavities of its dying buildings never ran out of, the city drowned in a sick fluid the color of coffee and milk.

Fritz and Jan were caught in the flashflood. When they left Rizal Memorial after watching the basketball tournament, it was sunny and humid; then the sun died like a lighted match thrown into a ditch, and the slick, damp, rueful silver of rain clouds drained everything of all their color. The view from their windshield shifted quick as the next slide on a carousel, with a blinding white sheet of rain the intermediate frame: the next thing Jan knew, he was keeping his foot on the gas so the water wouldn’t get into the muffler as they trudged Rizal Avenue. Along its deepest portion they even saw a yellow kayak speeding past them. The chaos of the city and the chaos of the weather were one. It signified the nearing of the end, they thought, when God just might opt to destroy this pathetic place, and start all over again.

They ended up at Gov. Forbes. It was strangled with cars, and they didn’t move for an hour and a half. Jan decided to create a counterflow. He wedged his car out sharply from the gridlock and sped down the opposite lane, but to no avail: the intersection was impossible to pass, and he had nowhere else to go. He retreated.

This lane of Gov. Forbes was empty. It was the only road that was passable at all; and though it led away from Jan’s and Fritz’s destination, and to unlit, stranger parts of the city, it gave, especially if one did not stare out too far, the illusion that it was the way home. For a moment, Jan seemed to have given in to this illusion: he sped down the lane, until he reached the end of the paved part. Then he hesitated as he realized they were about to enter a colony of shanties, that seemed to be slowly sinking into mud, lighted only by whatever threads of blue moonlight could escape from the dense sky.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Creative Writing Tips by Fiction Writer Cecilia Brainard


I'm sharing Creative Writing Tips that I've developed after writing, editing of over 20 books. I have been teaching and lecturing about Creative Writing for decades. My official website is ceciliabrainarddotcom.

Creative Writing Tips # 1- Write in a Sensuous Way

Creative Writing Tip #2 - Make a Date with Your Muse

Creative Writing Tip #3 - Show Don't Tell 

Creative Writing Tip #4 -  Writer's Block

Creative Writing Tip #5 - Complex vs Flat Characters

Creative Writing Tip #6 - Writing Space

Creative Writing Tip #7 - What Is Your Story?

Tags: how to write, creative writing, creative writing journey, fiction writing

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Manny Gonzalez on the Palestine Crisis


Manny Gonzalez, who is noted for being the CEO and principal owner of the the famous resort in Mactan Cebu, Plantation Bay, is also a writer. He writes of his travels, of food, and he also explores complex international issues such as the current Palestine crisis. 


 He has written about this problem -- he is a columnist at the Philippine Star --- and he has also created a four part video.  You can watch "The Non-Zero-Sum Solution to the Palestine Crisis" here:  


Video 1: Prisoners of their Expertise 

Video 2: Not Two-States-Side-by-Side, but Two States Far Apart !

Video 3: If We Build New Palestine, They Will Come


Here also is his link to his articles at the Philippine Star

Read also:

My Cousin, The Biz Wiz: Profile on Manny Gonzalez