Happy Halloween from San Miguel Allende, Mexico!
Friday, October 31, 2014
Happy Halloween from San Miguel Allende, Mexico
Happy Halloween from San Miguel Allende, Mexico!

Thursday, October 30, 2014
Chocolate Mexicano at San Agustin Cafe #SanMiguelAllende, #Mexico
In front of the St. Agustin painting with naked cherub, we had churros and Mexican chocolate --- what a treat!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Casa Zazula in San Miguel de Allende -#Travel, #SanMiguelAllende, #Mexico
Hello, dear Readers, I'm in San Miguel de Allende, in Mexico, a UNESCO Heritage Town with well-preserved Spanish-Colonial houses. We're staying in a 300-year old structure now reincarnated as the Casa Zazula. Owned by Kathy and David Zazula, the house has an indoor courtyard, and a fantastic rooftop room and garden with a view of the Parroquia of San Miguel Arcangel. The details in the house are incredible, with antique baptismal fonts now used as wash basins, and a 300-year old fountain gracing the indoor courtyard. The house is featured in the coffee table book,Casa San Miguel.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Travel: Coming Up - MEXICO!

Ignore ISIL Propaganda, KOBANI Remains Strong & Motivated! #Kobani, #Kobane, #Rajava, #ISIL, #Syria

Monday, October 27, 2014
Berlin Germany: Counting Time by the Minute -#BerlinGermany
In Berlin, our train for Frankfurt was delayed. All throughout my recent trip to Europe, I've had to deal with: first, a train strike in Paris, followed by a train and airplane strike in Berlin, and now our train was late. I laughed at the matter, but Berliners were stressed-out as they rescheduled their train rides.There were many sour and long faces, and one man came along and yelled that there were no seats available, and so on.

Sunday, October 26, 2014
Review of DOMA's Musical Young Frankenstein
We saw DOMA's musical production of Young Frankenstein, which has received excellent reviews, and I have to agree that the production was very entertaining.

Saturday, October 25, 2014
Supreme Court Decision Reached on Bikini Girls of STC Cebu -#CebuPhilippines
The Winner

Berlin, Germany: Spotlight on Historic Checkpoint Charlie - #Berlin, #ColdWar

Friday, October 24, 2014
The Bridges of Love in Paris - #ParisFrance, #lovelocks
Walking along the Seine, I spotted a bridge with what looked like a million locks clamped on the sides. The next day I stumbled on still another bridge with padlocks. I saw couples holding padlocks and searching for their special place on the bridge on which to attach their locks. The custom is for lovers to lock padlocks on the bridge and throw away the key. This symbolizes their undying love.

Thursday, October 23, 2014
The Cuenco Cousins in Paris #Cuenco, #CebuPhilippines, #ParisFrance
It was strange that the four of us cousins would be together in Paris. While we had been close as children, we became absorbed in our own lives and didn't see much of one another. Then suddenly there we were, enjoying Paris in October.

My cousins in Paris were: Manny Gonzalez and his sister Celine, and Chickie Reyes Feraren. Our mothers were sisters, daughters of Mariano Jesus Cuenco and Filomena Alesna. The black and white confirmation picture shows Chickie in the center holding a little boy who's Manny. I'm the girl on the far right. Our mothers are in the back row. Chickie's Mom is third from the left, and Manny and Celine's Mom is fourth from the left; my mother is fifth from the left. (Celine was not yet born.)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Southern California: JOHN ALLEN, Candidate for Water Replenishment District 3

Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Germany: Heidelberg, Jose Rizal, and A Las Flores de Heidelberg
Cecilia within the Castle of Heidelberg grounds
Gate within the Castle of Heidelberg grounds

Thoughts on Turkey and Kobani, #Kobani, #Kobane #Turkey #IS
The government of Turkey has disappointed me greatly.
Turkey forced a righteous US vice-president to apologize for a truth he said, this despite the fact that foreign jihadists themselves say they have used Turkey as their entry point. Further, Jihadists have established a market for stolen Iraqi and Syrian oil in Turkey
Pretending to be neutral in the matter of Kobani, Turkey has been supporting IS by blocking off the only corridor left for the defenders and people of Kobani. There are many eye witnesses who state that IS jihadists have free entry and find refuge in Turkey, including an American-Lebanese woman media person who reported on this matter and mysteriously died after being accused of spying and threatened. In plain view of the media, Turks maltreated Kurds who have been desperate in trying to save Kobani.

Monday, October 20, 2014
Frankfurt, Germany: Dinner with Dr. Michaela Keck
In Frankfurt, Germany, I had the opportunity to meet Dr. Michaela Keck, from the Institute of English and American Studies at the Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg, Germany.
Michaela and I had never met before, but we had such an easy time together and ended up talking for hours, until the cafe closed in fact.

Sunday, October 19, 2014
Flying Back to California!
This is all for now,
- Travel: Berlin, Germany- Cecilia's Update #1
- Travel: Eiffel Tower Madness! #ParisFrance
- Travel: Goodbye Paris for Now #ParisFrance
- Paris Flea Market - Marche Aux Puces Saint-Ouen
- October Saturday in Paris - #ParisFrance
- Paris: Dinner at Les Deux Magots with Cuenco Cousi...
- Notre Dame Madness! #ParisFrance
- Arrondissements and More About Paris - #ParisFranc...
- Train Strike in Paris - Day 1 in #ParisFrance

Thursday, October 16, 2014
Berlin, Germany: Book Launch "Freundschafy" on German-Filipino Friendship
l-r: Marily Orosa, Cecilia Brainard, Dr. Isagani Cruz, Medy Cruz

Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Train and Airplane Strike in Germany! - Cecilia's Update #2, #BerlinGermany

Travel: Berlin, Germany- Cecilia's Update #1
Check Point Charlie
The place is full of history, and I have lots of pictures so I'm going do several entries about this city. Today was a nice day in Berlin -- no rain, clear sky, but the city has a certain "gray" quality. The Philippine Embassy Attache, Ms. Nelma Jose-Casas, talked of how some personnel at the Philippine Embassy get depressed in Berlin. I thought that was interesting.

Monday, October 13, 2014
Travel: Eiffel Tower Madness! #ParisFrance
To me the Eiffel Tower is very photogenic. Every time I visit Paris, I go crazy and take many pictures of this cultural icon of France. Here are a few pictures.
I love how the intricate metal work gives a lace effect. I love that this structure had been new and that some had reviled it in 1889, but that the French integrated it with their old structures, saying to the effect that one day it too would get old. They said they same thing aboaut the pyramid in the Louvre.

Travel: Goodbye Paris for Now #ParisFrance
Dear Readers,
It was a full day today, my last day in Paris. We visited the Arc de Triomph, and afterwards, walked along Champs Elysees. From there we went to the Eiffel Tower and went up for a last view of all of Paris. It was a perfect October fall day to do so -- no rain, a bit brisk but very pleasant.

Sunday, October 12, 2014
Paris Flea Market - Marche Aux Puces Saint-Ouen

October Saturday in Paris - #ParisFrance

Saturday, October 11, 2014
Paris: Dinner at Les Deux Magots with Cuenco Cousins
My first cousins, Chickie Feraren, Manny Gonzalez, and Celine Conejos, happened to be vacationing in Paris, and we had a wonderful reunion. We had dinner at Les Deux Magots, famous for having been the hangout of Ernest Hemingwary, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, James Joyce, Pablo Picasso, Albert Camus and other intellectuals.

Friday, October 10, 2014
Notre Dame Madness! #ParisFrance
Today's blog entry shows pictures of one of the most famous Gothic Cathedrals in the world: Notre Dame de Paris, built in the 12th century, with subsequent additions.
The Notre Dame is very photogenic. Like the Eiffel Tower, I can never get enough pictures of it. Here are some pictures showing it in different angles. Note the details like the gargoyles, flying buttresses, spires, saints, and so on. The cathedral sits on one end of an island in the middle of the Seine. It is simply gorgeous.
Click on the picture to make it big.

Thursday, October 9, 2014
Arrondissements and More About Paris - #ParisFrance
Dear Readers,
I accidentally deleted my most recent blog entry. I'll try to recreate it now.
I was talking about how in my past visits to Paris I usually took the metro which is fast, efficient, economical and easy to figure out. My complaint about the metro is that I don't see the landmarks of Paris. I go down, ride the metro, and surface near my destination, like a pop-up mole.

Train Strike in Paris - Day 1 in #ParisFrance

Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Coming Up: Paris, Berlin, Heidelberg, Wilhemsfeld #Travel
Dear Readers,
I'll be visiting Paris, Berlin, Heidelberg, and Wilhemsfeld, and I hope to blog about those places. If I have difficulty uploading to this blog, I'll post in my FaceBook site:
Cecilia Brainard - http://www.facebook.com/ceciliabrainard
In Paris, on Thursday night, October 9, I plan to be at the Open Mic reading at Culture Rapide, 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020, around 8 p.m.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014
With Friends like Turkey, Who Needs Enemies? #Kobani #NATO #Turkey
"Turkish Inaction on ISIS Advance Dismays the U.S." - The New York Times
"This isn't how a NATO ally acts while hell is
unfolding a stone's throw from their border,"
said the official...."
Two Kurdish women who fought against ISIL in Kobani and who died bravely.
Kurdish mother Nasreen, left 2 children behind and died fighting against ISIS in Kobane.
Arin Mirkin, a Kurdish female fighter suicide bomber attacks IS in Kobane
Read also
Battle between ISIS and Syrian Kurds for Kobani sparks unrest in Turkey
Turkish police clash with demonstrators near border with Kobani
UN Envoy on Kobani: Don't let another city fall to ISIS
Check updates by Jenan Moussa on twitter
This is all for now,

Monday, October 6, 2014
The World Supports KOBANI, Syria! #Kobani
From by Jenan Moussa Twitter #Kobane:
Kurdish activist Mustafa Bali inside#Kobane tells me: Reports ISIS inside city are false. I am still in Kobane; YPG as motivated as ever.
There is worldwide support for Kobani:
London at Trafalgar Square
New York City, Union Square
Kurdish activist Mustafa Bali inside
There is worldwide support for Kobani:
London at Trafalgar Square
New York City, Union Square

Santa Monica, California: Great Eggs Benedict at Spitfire Grill Restaurant
My husband is an eggs benedict aficionado and is constantly looking for restaurants that serve good eggs benedict. He swears the Moonstone Grill in Cambria serves the best egg benedict.
The Spitfire Grill is located within the Santa Monica airport complex. We were there on Sunday and there were many people having brunch/lunch there.
Read also
Tags: Spitfire Grill, restaurant, cafe, food, airport, Santa Monica, California, Southern California, Westside
This is all for now,

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