Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Are there More Casualties Now than in other Wars?

With all the dire news of wars, bombings, terrorism, I have been wondering if the world is worse off now than in the past.  I looked up the number of casualties in various wars, and here's information from the internet:

American Civil War - 1.5 million military and civilians

World War I - 38 million military and civilians

World War II - 60 million military and civilians

Vietnam War Casualties - 1.5 million to 3.6 million estimates

These are astronomical figures, especially the deaths of World War II, which reportedly wiped out 3% of the world's population.

It seems the fighting nowadays is nothing new. Modern weapons are more powerful and the media is swifter in broadcasting news to the world.

Photo of the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial courtesy of Wikipedia

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