Friday, August 30, 2024

Carlos Inigo Roxas's Review of Brainard's Fundamentals of Creative Writing, Revised and Expanded Edition

Many thanks to Manila writer Carlos Inigo Roxas who wrote this lengthy article for the Inquirer Lifestyle about the release of my FUNDAMENTALS OF CREATIVE WRITING, REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION.

"In the book, I saw a delicate balance between show and tell. The examples show Brainard's mastery of the craft and shines a light for aspiring writers.

As a young novice writer myself, I find this work of Brainard, along with her novels and short stories, to be appealing. With "Fundamentals of Creative Writing (Revised and Expanded Edition)," one can learn and enjoy the process of learning." ~Carlos Inigo T. Roxas, Inquirer Lifestyle, Manila, 9/1/24

The book is available from



Tags: how to write creative writing,  fundamentals of writing, basics of creative writing, essentials of creative writing, beginning creative writing, fundamentals of fiction writing, fundamentals of creative non-fiction, creative writing basics. creative writing essentials


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