Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Philippine delegation 2024 Frankfurt Book Fair - Cecilia Brainard Report #2


L-r: Philippine Consul Mary Luck Hicarte, Cecilia Brainard, Consul Mina

I made it to Frankfurt! Weather was gray and it was around 61 degrees mid-day. My Uber driver was a chatty young man who was perhaps showing off his English skills. "Ask me any question," he said. "Where's the sun?" I said.

My room at the nHow is just fine, with windows and lots of whatever-sunshine can stream in. NHow has theme-rooms and I got one with Queen Elizabeth and the US dollar -- not sure what-all is going on with the decor, but it's a nice, modern, large room that's literally a stone's throw from the fair grounds. 

I received a ticket to the Frankfurt Book Fair Opening and had the opportunity to meet some delegates and Philippine consular folk. I have to sort out my photos but here are some not yet identified.

Stay tuned for more updates.

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