Saturday, June 6, 2015

Guest Blogger: Tesla the Cat "Cecilia Brainard Expose No. 1"

My name is Tesla. I'm today's Guest Blogger because the Woman Who Opens Cans is jet-lagged. 

Before I begin, let me tell you something about myself. My brother and I are owners of the Woman Who Opens Cans, otherwise known as Cecilia Brainard or Cecilia Manguerra Brainard. She likes to say she owns me and my brother, but that is false. We own her and her husband. This is evident in how they are the ones who serve us: they feed us, clean us, keep our box clean, and so on. 

 Let me share with you my feelings as well, as this colors this write up and future ones. She ticks me off. Don't listen to her comments about the culture and sites of France, for instance. The truth is --- and this is my Expose Number 1 about her -- she ate her way through France.

There, I've said it. 

While she had been posting pictures of Mont Saint Michel,  Giverny, and such, she had kept many other pictures hidden for fear her dark side will be revealed.

So, World, here therefore is one truth about the Woman Who Opens Cans: She likes Food!

I am sharing some food-related pictures, which she took at her recent trip to Normandy, Brittany, and Paris. There are far more -- I can't include them all. She had pictures of their breakfast (she was particularly interested in the huge bowls that served as coffee or chocolate cups in Brittany), their dinners, the markets they visited, etc. There are so many pictures, these are a drop in the bucket.

She took pictures at outdoor markets of vendors selling olives and condiments, vegetables and fruit, pastries, sausages, cooked food (I see paella!), and good heavens, even rabbit!

She took pictures at restaurants. The next two were taken at a restaurant near Mont Saint Michel, which included a Norman salad to her liking. It had gizzards and liver with some greens -- she almost waxed poetic over that dish.

The following picture was taken at Le Cosy Restaurant in Quimper. She said she enjoyed their meal there.

In the future, I plan more Exposes of the Woman Who Opens Cans (aka Cecilia Brainard). 
Let's see who has the last say after abandoning me and my brother for weeks, left to the mercy of people who considered us burdens, who did not give us all the treats we wanted, who rarely played with us, and whom we could not boss around. 

Yours Truly,

Read also

  • Cathedral o...
  • Travel France: Brittany, Carnac and Josselin
  • Travel France: Brittany, Pont-Aven - Commune of Ga...
  • Travel France: More on Brittany, Quimper
  • Travel France: Coast of Brittany St. Malo, Roscoff...

  • Travel France: Mont Saint-Michel, Normandy - UNESC...
  • Tags: travel, food, France, Normandy, Brittany, Europe, gourmet, pictures

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