Herero Ladies from Namibia
My friend Elaine Sweet, American Peace Corps Volunteer, who had served in
Azerbaijan and the Philippines, is now in
Namibia, a country in southern Africa. I have her permission to reprint her Easter letter and pictures taken in Opuwo, the capital of Namibia. Her report is fabulous, so enjoy, dear Readers!
Thank you Elaine, for allowing me to share your wonderful Namibia Easter letter and pictures.
From Elaine Sweet:
Easter in Opuwo,
I have now been in Namibia for three months. It is the new “normal." I have learned the basic methods of
transportation to get around in my area.
First I ask the teachers at my school for a ride to the paved road. Then
there are taxis which are constantly going back and forth between the main
travel points. It is not as difficult
as I first perceived it to be. On non-school days, the local people traveling the gravel road will stop for passengers. There are established pay rates for travel to
different points.