Friday, March 14, 2014

Shipping Children in the US in 1913

Apparently in the United States, it was legal until 1920 to mail children via parcel post.

On January 1913, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Beauge of Glen Este, Ohio was mailed via Rural Free Delivery Carrier Vernon Little to his grandmother, Mrs. Louis Beague about a mile away. The boy's parents paid 15-cents for the stamps and they also paid insurance for $50.

On January 27, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Savis mailed their daughter from Sharpsville, Pennsylvania to relatives in Clay Hollow for 45-cents.

In 1914 a six-year old girl, May Pierstorff shown above, was mailed from her parents' home in Grangevill, Idaho to her grandparents' house about 73 miles away for 53-cents worth of stamps.

There is an article about children being mailed in the Smithsonian National Postal Museum. The author, Nancy Pope (Historian and Curator) clarifies that the mailing of children was more of an entrusting of the children to postal workers whom parents knew. They did buy stamps for the kids.

Wow! This is news to me.

The photos are courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum.

Read also

  • Creative Writing: The Importance of Sensual Writing
  • Creative Writing: Journal Writing and my Pink Lock and Key Diary

  • Creative Writing: Your Writing Work Space (In My Case, Where My Cats Hang Out)

  • This is all for now,
    tags: mail, parcel post, shipping, children, 1913, US

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